JB-MDL UAS Contact Request


We request you use this web form to contact someone on the Joint Base UAS team for general/routine matters. For more urgent issues, refer to the direct contant information below.





Your Request or Comment:




Official Business Inquiries:
305 OSS/OSA - Airfield Operations
305oss.osa@us.af.mil DSN 650-2745
Comm 609-754-2745 (Airspace Manager)
For Urgent After-Hours: Command Post 609-754-3935



WARNING: Operation of unofficial drones discovered within the base perimeter may be subject to seizure by local or base authorities, as well as the operator being subject to legal action and potential penalties. The policy's goal is to protect military aircraft and personnel from the additional risks posed by airborne devices on active airfields, as well as reduce the security risks of drone cameras in secure areas.